The Sun's Embrace: Tracing the Solar Roots of All Energy Sources
March 8, 2024
Published By
David Agbanwu

In the vast expanse of our universe, no terrestrial civilization can escape the fundamental truth that we are, at our core, a solar society. The sun's radiant embrace energizes a habitable biosphere, making life possible on Earth. It fuels all our food, animal feed, and the wood we rely on, not to mention driving the wind and water flows that shape our world. Solar radiation, atmospheric pressure gradients, and the processes of evaporation and evapotranspiration are the forces behind the water cycle that sustains life.

The origins of the fossil fuels that have powered human civilization for centuries are also deeply rooted in solar energy. Peat and coal emerged from the slow alteration of phytomass, or plant matter, while hydrocarbons evolved through more complex transformations of marine phytoplankton, algae, and invertebrate fishes. Among these, anthracite coal and crude oil, laden with high percentages of carbon (upwards of 75-90% for anthracite coal) and contaminants like sulfur oxides and fly ash, have fueled the industrial revolution and modern transportation. However, their combustion releases pollutants and greenhouse gasses, contributing to environmental degradation and climate change. This realization underscores the urgent need for alternative energy sources, despite the high energy densities that make fossil fuels so appealing for transportation and industrial applications.

The quest for alternatives led to a pivotal discovery in 1839 by Edmund Becquerel, laying the groundwork for photovoltaic (PV) technology. However, it wasn't until the mid-20th century that Bell Laboratories unveiled the first practical silicon solar cell in 1954, albeit with a modest efficiency of 4.5% and a prohibitive cost of $286 per watt. Despite these initial obstacles, the allure of harnessing the sun's power propelled solar panels not only into space aboard satellites but also into the imaginations of those dreaming of a cleaner, more sustainable energy future.

Today, we stand on the brink of a solar revolution. Efficiencies have soared, and solar panels have become the cornerstone of microgrids and pseudo power plants in homes worldwide. These personal energy networks symbolize a shift towards the decentralization of power, echoing Rudolf Diesel's original vision for his engine: to democratize industry and empower the common man. Diesel envisaged a world where small, affordable engines could decentralize industry, making technology accessible to machinists, watchmakers, restaurant owners, and the like. Though his dream was partially co-opted by heavy machinery and large industries, the spirit of decentralization lives on in the solar energy movement.

As solar technology becomes more affordable and accessible, individuals worldwide are setting up their microgrids for various reasons - be it moral, economic, or sheer convenience. This transition towards solar reflects a broader desire for energy independence and environmental stewardship, challenging the dominance of fossil fuels despite their higher energy density.

However, the journey away from fossil fuels and towards renewable energy is fraught with challenges. As history shows, new forms of energy technologies must pass the tests of functionality, accessibility, and cost-effectiveness. The Roman water mills, introduced in the 1st century BCE, took nearly 500 years to become a staple of ancient engineering. Similarly, during World War II, U.S. cargo carriers, the EC2s, opted for the reliability of steam engines over the more efficient but less proven diesel engines. 

As we journey through the 21st century, the role of solar energy in transforming our energy paradigm is unmistakably profound. Over the past decade, solar panel efficiencies have soared from an average of about 15% to more than 22% for commercially available panels, with laboratory prototypes achieving upwards of 40%. This remarkable trajectory of efficiency improvements underscores the bright prospects for solar technology, an energy source as ancient as the sun itself. However, the transition to a solar-powered future is not just about technological milestones. It is a reminder of the importance of practical application. Solar energy must demonstrate its viability beyond the controlled conditions of research facilities. In the real world, the adoption and impact of solar technology hinge on its functionality, ease of access, and cost-effectiveness. These criteria will ultimately determine its place in our energy future.

In the story of human progress, the sun has always been our constant companion, a boundless well of energy that powers the winds, the rains, and the growth of all living things. As we look to the sun for our energy future, we are reminded of the inexorable link between life on Earth and the star at the center of our solar system. The challenge before us is not just technological but philosophical: to realign our societies with the rhythms of nature, harnessing the sun's power not just to survive but to thrive.